A loan helped to buy a laptop needed for his studies.

Sharef's story

Sharef, who appears in the photo, is 20 years old and from Khanyounis, a city in the Gaza strip. He is studying accounting at a local university. He dreams of being a great manager in the future. His mother works in the public sector where she earns a low income, barely enough for basic needs and university costs.

His studying depends on the use of a laptop, but he does not have enough money to buy one; he is saving his money to help his parents with the family expenses. Therefore, he is taking a US Dollar loan from Palestine for Credit & Development (FATEN) to buy a laptop for his studies. He hope you will help him excel in his studies and fund his loan.

This loan is special because:

It pays for higher education expenses for students from low-income families.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details