A loan helped to expand a bean sprout farm.

Nay Thu Rein Group's story

Nay Thu Rein Group is located in Pyapon Township in the Delta Region of Myanmar. People call Pyapon “the place where people sell rice”, as cultivating paddy rice and trading rice are the main business for most inhabitants around the township. In addition, trading construction materials such as bricks and sand, operating fishing businesses, raising livestock such as pigs and ducks are also income-generating activities in the area.

Five loan clients are included in the Nay Thu Rein Group; Thin, Aung, Pa, Nweh and Aye. The featured borrower of the group, Thin, is the one wearing a pink skirt in the picture. She is 48 years old and married with two children. Thin cooperates with her husband in farming bean sprouts. It is the family's main business, but it has also been operating for 28 years. They are now well-known as suppliers of bean sprouts around Pyapon Township. For Thin, the coming Kiva loan will be a great investment for the purpose of expanding her bean sprout farm. Her business goal is to have a large business in the next 5 years.

This loan is special because:

it helps people invest in their businesses and increase household incomes.

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