A loan helped a member to buy seeds in order to grow and increase their crops.

Baeng Koe Group's story

This loan group, called Baeng Koe, is comprised of 4 women who work as farmers, growing rice and corn. Sometimes they also work as laborers for other farmers, to get some extra income. They will use the second cycle of their loan from TLM (IDR 12,000,000 total, or IDR 3,000,000 per person) to buy seeds, in order to grow and increase their crops.

Yosefina, 46 (the person with a hand raised in the picture), is one of these women. She is married to a farmer, Marsel, 51. They have been blessed with five children, of whom two, both daughters, are already married. The third is now studying in the university. That’s why Yosefina is taking this loan. By buying seeds and thus, increasing crops and income, she will be able to support her daughter’s school fees. Even though she is just a farmer, she wants to give her daughter the opportunity to go to university and through good education, to build herself a better life. Yosefina also has a part-time job as a daily laborer, for which she gets paid IDR 40.000 per day, which further contributes to the family's income.

In this group: Yosefina, Adriana, Margareta, Yasinta

This loan is special because:

It serves people in Indonesia's poorest region.

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Lenders and lending teams

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