A loan helped a member to restock her store and buy building materials .

Beatrice's Group's story

Beatrice K. is a friendly and hard-working 40-year-old widow with five children aged 12 to 20 years of age. The older two are currently on vacation, while the rest are in secondary school. She also cares for one nephew, one niece and her own parents. Beatrice makes a living running a canteen and a farm that she has owned for five years. She is also a seamstresss, who learned her trade at a school where she now teaches sewing other people, mostly young girls.

In her canteen, Beatrice sells a variety of products because this attracts more customers, and uses a portion of her income to pay school fees for her children and to maintain their standard of living. She has applied for this loan to complete work on the building where she teaches sewing, and to buy more products for her canteen, particularly sugar, bread and cakes. She leads the Tulwanirewamu loan group pictured here.

In this group: Beatrice, Joy, Hellen, Deborah, Angella, Rose, Lydia, Martha, Esther, Mariam, Aisha, Jane, Musana, Geofrey, John, Robert

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details