A loan helped to buy 10 sacks of a local variety of millet, five sacks of milk, and three sacks of sugar to prepare deguè (a sweet porridge).

Fati's story

Mme Fati is married and the mother of one child aged 26. Her child goes to school and she is responsible for four persons. She sells a sweetened porridge/drink called deguè. She has been in this business for 20 years and buys her supplies in a neighboring village.

With the loan funds, she intends to buy 10 sacks of local millet, five sacks of milk, and three sacks of sugar to prepare her deguè.

Fati wants to use the profits from the loan to put aside as savings. She desires, in as far as the business is concerned, to extend her sales area. As far as her family go, she wants to take better care of t hem.

Translator profile picture

Translated from French by Kiva volunteer Teresa Kramer.

This loan is special because:

It empowers women to grow their businesses.

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