A loan helped to buy more pigs, chickens and guinea pigs.

Martha Elisa's story

Martha is 37 years old. She is happily married. Her husband works as a mason. Her 16 year old daughter Leidy is currently finishing high school and will continue on to college.

In order to support her daughter's dream, Martha decided to start a business. She works raising small animals such as chickens, guinea pigs, and pigs. Her job has been important in meeting her family's expenses. It is worth mentioning that the conditions there lend themselves to having a good job. For that reason she wants to take advantage of the field to continue with her business.

With the loan she would like to buy more pigs, chickens and guinea pigs. This will allow her to continue providing her services in the area. She hopes to see her daughter educated and to move forward with her family.

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Laurie Hiller.

This loan is special because:

It aims to reach vulnerable refugee populations in an isolated region.

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