A loan helped a member to buy more fish and ingredients for cakes.

Amora Group's story

Gaudensiana, a 45-year-old widow, is the representative for Amora Group. Since the death of her husband in 2010, Gaudensiana has automatically been responsible to look after her children. She has six children, two of whom live independently and are married, while four of whom are still under her protection. They are still in school.

Every day, Gaudensiana spends time in the rice field and in raising cattle to be sold. She has been working in the rice field since she was single, so it is not a hard thing for her. She usually works in the field from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Gaudensiana is an energetic woman at her age. She also produces dried fish for sale and cakes as well. She is doing all these things, as she needs money for the education costs of her children and for food as well.

She dreams to provide a better living for her children, even though she has to struggle alone. She wants to continue this business to earn more income. Therefore, she needs more money to buy more fish and ingredients for cakes. Along with eight women, she has requested a loan totaling IDR 18,000,000 from TLM, Kiva’s field partner.

She believes the loan will benefit her and the other women’s businesses and standard of living.

In this group: Gaudensiana, Halena, Petronela, Bernadetha, Maria, Maria, Margaretha, Antonika, Monika

This loan is special because:

It serves people in Indonesia's poorest region.

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