A loan helped a member to buy fresh fruits and vegetables to sell.

Santa Teresita Group's story

The Santa Teresita group is in its 7th cycle of the women's committee program, where all the members work and help each other get ahead. They are doing the survey to eliminate poverty, where they will be able to educate themselves in order to improves their businesses as well as be able to help their families have a better quality of life.

María is a member of this group, and she is asking for a loan to invest in her personal business which is selling fruits and vegetables. She wants to buy fresh fruits and vegetables in order to be able to stock her business and in this way be able to help her family with income from her work.

She sacrifices a lot and doesn't stop fighting to get ahead in order to help her loved ones so that they don't lack anything and in this way have what they need.

In this group: Lucía, Asunción, Ana, Luz, Natividad, María, María, Ilsa, Oliboria, Elodia, Gabriela, Aidalicia, Wendy, Dalva, Mirna, Lucrecia

Translator profile picture

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Cindy Kendall.

This loan is special because:

It is accompanied by an industry-leading, poverty-elimination program.

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