A loan helped to buy fertilizers to apply to her corn.

América Yanira's story

América completed a 5th grade education. She was widowed a few years ago and finished raising her four children alone. Now she lives with a daughter and grandchildren on the same land.

América learned to grow crops with her husband. In addition she does the household chores. The area where she farms is near her home and she works with one of her children who comes to help her.

She needs a loan to buy fertilizers to apply to her corn. With the previous loan she was able to plant and now she needs to give it maintenance. In addition she is very punctual paying her debt.

She hopes to improve her home so that her family can live safely.

Translator profile picture

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Cindy Kendall.

This loan is special because:

It supports single mothers and other vulnerable women.

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