A loan helped to refurbish her store with a wider variety of commodities and confectionery items.

Gulzar Begum's story

Gulzar is 59 years old, a widow, and a mother of four. She has single handedly managed her household since the death of her husband. She runs a small general store in her neighborhood and sells general grocery items along with sweets, candies, and local delicacies for kids at her store. She has been running this business for 13 years and says that this business is the bread and butter of her family.

She also likes doing embroidery on clothes in her spare time as can be seen from the picture. Her children are obedient and respect the sacrifices that she has made.

In order to increase her earning she wants to buy more stock so that there is a wider variety that will attract more customers. She is hopeful that her earnings will improve and she will improve her business even more.

She is part of the Microfinance Program of BRAC Pakistan that intends to provide financial services to people who do not have a collateral and remain without banking services.

This loan is special because:

It provides financial services in some of the poorest parts of Pakistan.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details