In an area in the department/state of Santa Cruz El Quiché, 8 Maya K’iche ladies have formed the Friendship Bridge Trust Bank “La Rinconada”. They are beginning their 3rd loan cycle with Kiva. Their goals are to improve & expand their small businesses that include animal husbandry (chickens, goats, pigs), traditional textile production (blouses, shawls, belts), fruit sales & convenience stores. They are determined to succeed not only to improve their own lives but those of their families. They are accomplishing these goals with the “Microcredit Plus” Program (loans + education) of Friendship Bridge.
The President of the group is Dolores, who is a 40 year old textile artist. She makes and sells traditional, colorful blouses called “huipiles”, shawls or “perrajes” & ornate belts called “fajas”. She is requesting a loan to buy a variety of high quality thread at the wholesale level & other supplies so that she can offer her customers new & innovative designs.
Education is an important theme in the lives of these women. Most have had little or no formal education. Dolores had a 3rd grade education. All of her older children have reached the 6th grade. Along with the ladies in the Trust Bank, Dolores participates in monthly educational trainings & learns about the world around her & within her. Topics like nutrition, health, hygiene or business planning & savings are very relevant.
Thank you, Kiva investors for funding these much-needed loans!
In this group: Tomasa, Dolores, Maria, Micaela, Ana Gabriela, Ana, Micaela, Maria Josefa