A loan helped to expand weather, farming information and financing for 500 cocoa farmers through mobile services in Ghana.

Farmerline's story

Farmerline is a Ghanaian social enterprise working to transform the lives of millions of farmers. The enterprise deploys mobile and web technologies that brings farming advice, weather forecasts, market information, and financial tips to farmers who are traditionally out-of-reach due to barriers in connectivity, literacy, and/or language. In the past 3 years, Farmerline has impacted over 200,000 farmers across 5 countries in Africa.

Lack of affordable financing for cocoa farmers in Ghana inhibits their productivity and, in turn, makes it more difficult for them to earn sufficient income and withstand adverse economic shocks like poor growing seasons, natural disasters, and family emergencies. The root of this problem stems in part from the absence of data on individual farmers to establish creditworthiness, as well as the relatively high cost of servicing them in rural areas. Both of these issues discourage traditional financial service providers like banks and microfinance institutions from extending loans and other financial services to farmers, making it all the more difficult for them to get ahead.

With technical support from Bankable Frontiers Associates & MasterCard Foundation and your Kiva support, Farmerline plans to create a credit-scoring product that will enable Cocoa Purchasing Clerks to provide cash advances to at least 500 cocoa farmers, thus providing them not just with market and farming information but the financial means to improve their production and quality of life.

This loan is special because:

This loan is special because it enables smallholder farmers in rural Ghana to access IT & financial services

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

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