A loan helped to purchase raw materials in order to produce and distribute more life-changing clean cookstoves.

Cookclean Ghana's story


1. Health - With 84% of Ghana using dirty fuels for cooking, 21 million Ghanaians are exposed to household air pollution (HAP), with 13,000 HAP-related deaths occurring annually

2. Environmental - Wood demand for fuel is 2x forest growth in Ghana today. This makes wood an unsustainable energy option. Extensive deforestation also erodes quality topsoil, severely limiting farmers’ ability to farm effectively, and exacerbating drought or floods (also threatening food security)

3. Economics - As wood-based fuels decrease in supply, their price increases, making them cost-prohibitive to low-income populations

Through the CookMate product, an efficient cookstove which it distributes through female retailers (98% of distributors are women), CookClean Ghana (CCG) has a threefold impact:

1. Health - mitigates indoor-air pollution, thus reducing respiratory diseases

2. Environmental - market leading efficiency (50% less fuel use than alternatives) means that there is a significantly lower environmental impact

3. Economics - massive fuel savings mean that users recoup the price of the stove in 3-4 months, allowing customers to build assets or reinvest in their families

CCG's social impact goals are to provide clean energy access to 1.5m families, displace 1.7m tCO2e, and generate $250m in fuel savings. Together, with your support through this Kiva loan, CCG can attain its ambitious mission.

This loan is special because:

This loan is special because it enables rural Ghanaians to access life changing cooking technology

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