A loan helped hair dryers, chairs and beauty products.

Elizabeth's story

Elizabeth has been working most of her life in the beauty industry. She absolutely loves her job. She works full time at her salon and is single mother of four children, who are 20, 18, 14, and 6 years old.

Three years ago she had the opportunity to purchase the salon she now owns. She came to ACCION USA immediately and was able to get a loan to start her business. Elizabeth’s store is in a great location in a busy area, where she gets lots of foot traffic. Elizabeth has one other employee. Recently, she has requested a loan for $6,000 to purchase new chairs, hair dryers and several other products to enhance her salon.

She has been successful in her three years in business and has high hopes for her future. Her plans are to eventually expand her store and offer more services.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details