A loan helped to buy fertilizers and weed her coffee plantation which is focused on organic and fair trade sales.

Rosalía's story

Rosalia is 42 years old and lives in the neighborhood of Barrio Nuevo in the San Ignacio district, Peru. She lives with her husband and 3 of their 6 children.

From a young age she has been growing coffee, which has allowed their children get ahead and give them an education. Growing coffee is their main activity, but she also generates additional income by raising and selling small animals such as chickens, guinea pigs, and pigs. The loan will be to buy fertilizers, to weed her farm, and for the coffee that she will harvest and sell in in her cooperative CENFROCAFE in the 2017 season, focusing on sales to organic and fair trade markets.

Rosalia is considered a thrifty, caring, and responsible woman. Her wish is that one day she can buy a plot of land in the city and live with her husband thus giving a better quality of life for her family.

Translator profile picture

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Francis Gonzalez.

This loan is special because:

It supports lucrative and sustainable livelihoods for organic farmers.

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