A loan helped a member to purchase a motorcycle for transporting corn to sell.

Sarom's Group's story

Chroep, 40, is a widowed mother of two children who resides in the Takeo Province of Cambodia. She is a rice farmer and a corn seller and she has been doing these jobs to support the family lsince 2006,. Chroep typically makes around. $2 (USD) per day. Her family is also aided by one of her children who works in the garment factory, while the other one is a student.

Chroep is a group leader and is pictured first on the right. She would like a loan to share with a group of four members. She will use her portion to purchase a motorcycle for transport corn to sell. She sees this purchase will allow her to increase her income and raise her standard of living. In the future, she is going to expand her business, build a new house, and help her children to get collage educations

In this group: Sarom, Khen, Tom, Chroeb

This loan is special because:

It provides add-on training services on financial management, agriculture and child protection.

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