A loan helped to buy fruit and vegetables to start a new business.

Silvia Francisca's story

Silvia only studied first grade of basic education. She is a single mother of three children who are now grown-up.

Silvia makes a living selling tripe soup and beef soup every week-end. She learned this business due to the fact she is a single mother and had to raise her children by herself. In this way she earns her living and her mother helps her with the business. She is also planning to sell fruit and vegetables in the city from Monday to Friday and continue with her soup sales on week-ends.

This single mother needs the help of a loan to buy fruit and vegetables to start a new business.

Silvia's dream is to improve her house little by little, continue with her businesses and for her children to study and become good professionals.

Translator profile picture

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer leonardo.

This loan is special because:

It supports single mothers and other vulnerable women.

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