A loan helped a member to buy a wooden loom in order to increase her working tools.

Celestial Group's story

Cantel is a municipality in the Guatemalan State of Quetzaltenango. It is a town where 80% of the population speaks Maya K´iché and is home to the 7 dedicated members of the Friendship Bridge Trust Bank “Celestial”. Because the women work hard on a daily basis, they have seen their businesses prosper and the lives of their families become better. Most of their businesses are weaving traditional wrap-around skirts (“cortes”), embroidered blouses (“huipiles”) and tablecloths. A few raise and sell pigs. The women are in their 5th loan cycle with Kiva investors.

The President is 28 year old Angélica who is married without children. She and her husband work hard to generate income they can save to have a good home and children in the future. Angélica’s business is weaving the traditional skirts, along with selling footwear to augment her income. She is requesting a loan to buy a wooden loom in order to increase her working tools and have more products for her customers.

Angélica only had a 6th grade education and is very grateful for the “Microcredit Plus” program that provides small loans from Kiva investors and monthly educational trainings from a Friendship Bridge Facilitator who helps her and her friends in “Celestial” to learn about budgeting, controlling expenses, saving and investing, as well as nutrition and good health practices.

Thank you Kiva investors for giving a helping hand to these visionary hardworking women!

In this group: Hilda Marcela, Angelica Rebeca, Aura Hermelinda, Feliciana, Rosa Maria, Beatriz Adriana, Herminia Roxana

This loan is special because:

Clients receive in-depth trainings on business, health, over-indebtedness, and self-esteem.

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Lenders and lending teams

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