A loan helped to purchase furniture and to get the school office repaired.

Raiz's story

Raiz is a 61-year-old married man who started his career as a teacher and later decided to work on a good cause by establishing a low-cost private school for the under-privileged students who generally are incapable of getting quality education as it is out of their reach due to the high cost associated with it.

There are 176 students enrolled in the school and 48% of them are female students. The aim of the school is to help the poor students to acquire the skills and concepts that would help them to attain a better profession in future and help them to become responsible individuals.

Currently there is insufficiency of furniture in the school and the office needs to be repaired. He has requested an amount of 200,000 PKR for purchasing furniture and getting the school office repaired.

This loan is special because:

It helps low-income schools provide quality education in Pakistan's urban slums.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details