A loan helped a member to buy fertilizer and farming tools.

Tunjung Wiguna Group's story

Six months have passed and the Tunjung Wiguna group has finished their loan. One member resigned from the group because she has a new job in town. Ni Ketut maintains her farm without trouble. All of her crops grow healthy because they are always sprayed and fertilized. Ni Ketut can reach a good harvest and sell it at a satisfactory price. She cultivates cacao and peanuts and is very happy because all her crops can be sold.

Ni Ketut is requesting a loan to buy fertilizer and farming tools. She will continue to plant cacao and peanuts to improve the welfare of her family. Ni Ketut hopes she can increasing her savings and continue her business with her own capital.

In this group: Ni Ketut, Ni Nengah, Ni Made, Ni Wayan, Ni Ketut, Ni Putu

This loan is special because:

It provides support for entrepreneurs to grow their business.

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