A loan helped to purchase additional livestock in order to increase her herd.

Kunduzkan's story

Kunduzkan is 53 years old and has a secondary education. She and her husband have a 12-year-old son. In 2000, Kunduzkan started a farming and animal husbandry business. Today she has two cows, and 20 sheep and goats. She sells potatoes which she raises on 1.1 HA of land.

Kunduzkan has applied to Bai Tushum Bank CJSC for a loan of 70,000 som (KGS) to buy cattle to increase the size of her herd. The profits from the loan will allow Kunduzkan and her family to further develop her business and to repair their home.

Translated from Russian.

This loan is special because:

It supports the well being of low-income families.

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