A loan helped to buy a lot of fodder for all his farm cattle and he is very thankful beforehand for being supported.

Vardazar's story

In the frontier village Aknaghbyur of Tavush region lives Vardazar with his wife and children. He used to work as military serviceman by contract, but now his only occupation is farming and agriculture.

His farm livestock are cows, calves, pigs and chickens. With his farm products such as milk, cheese, meat and eggs, Vardazar also sells his land goods such as tomatoes, greens, cucumbers, apples, apricots, grapes and peaches. These products he takes with his wife to the city’s wholesale market and sells it during the week.

Vardazar is very hopeful to receive this loan, as he wants to buy a lot of fodder for all his farm cattle, and he is very thankful beforehand for being supported.

This loan is special because:

It reaches rural populations with less access to opportunity.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details