A loan helped to buy seeds, fertilizer and hire workers.

Ana Gabriela's story

Ana is 20-years old. She is married and has a 4-year old daughter named Dasy. She lives in a rented house and works as a day laborer. Lack of income to resolve the household needs motivated her to work doing a second agricultural job. 1 year ago she started growing peas. This is how she manages to resolve some needs.

Ana is known for being humble, kind, happy, and hardworking. She wants to invest more in her crops. She needs to buy seeds, fertilizer and hire workers. This way she will have a good production and increase her income. In the future she wants to buy land with a house to keep working and give her daughter an education.

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Mara Nagaki.

This loan is special because:

It aims to reach vulnerable refugee populations in an isolated region.

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