A loan helped to buy silk and poliseda (a silken polyester fiber) threads to make beautiful hammocks.

María Maxima's story

María is 52 years old and married with 3 children. She studied only until the 4th grade.

María has 33 years of experience making hammocks, as her sister taught her to do. Before she only worked in agriculture with her parents, but later she decided to dedicate all of her time to make hammocks to help her husband.

She makes 3 hammocks per week. She acquires the materials to make her hammocks in the closest town, and to get there, she takes a bus, a trip which she makes every 15 days with her son.

This artisan woman needs the support of a loan to buy silk and poliseda (a silken polyester fiber) threads to make beautiful hammocks.

Her goal is to establish a formal and fixed locale where she can give good service to her customers. She is grateful for the support provided by Credicampo and Kiva.

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Liliana S.

This loan is special because:

It supports El Salvadorian artisans to grow their businesses.

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