A loan helped to purchase sheets in bulk.

Maria Auxiliadora's story

María is 63 years old, single, and lives alone in the parish of Andrés de Vera, in the city of Portoviejo. This city suffered the ravages of a strong earthquake. They, with this tragedy, were left with the walls cracked and the front part sank. For this reason, she has had to leave to live in another place. She works selling sheets and her economy was affected because the first days after the earthquake, she was unable to go out and work and her customers are still unable to pay her what they owe because they, also, have had losses and have been left without work. María is a very responsible woman and has worked her whole life and now, despite what happened and her advanced age, she says that she still has the strength to continue working. For this, she has asked for another loan to purchase more sheets and continue earning her living.

Translator profile picture

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Wendy H.

This loan is special because:

It provides funds to entrepreneurs recovering from a natural disaster.

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