A loan helped a member to buy cocoa for resale.

Kasitu Boda Boda United Transporters Group's story

Prossy is 23 years and married. She lives in Bundibugyo, Uganda. She deals in buying and selling cocoa as her major source of income and gets extra income from cocoa growing on her family's land which she inherited from her parents. She started her cocoa business 4 years ago and works 10 hours a day to raise income in spite of the challenges like competition and weather which affect her sales and profitability. She would like to support her children's education to University as a family goal. Her business hope in the future is to become a prominent cocoa trader in the area.

She is requesting a loan to enable her expand her business through buying more cocoa to sell to her customers. She is a member of Kasitu Boda Boda United Transporters group where members provide guarantor-ship to each other for taking loans for business purposes.

In this group: Prossy, Joseph, Aisha., Angel, Mary, Mubunga, Jamida, Moses, Sifa, Brenda, Joy-, Jane, Rose, Hawa, Annet, Nuriya, Zawadi

This loan is special because:

It targets extremely rural populations.

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