Isidro is a 45 year old farmer who specializes in the production of certified high quality coffee. He is married to Oneyda with whom he has four children. They work the coffee crops as a family and coffee is the principal source of family income. Isidro and Oneyda dream of providing their children more opportunities so that they can develop as people.
Isidro is passionate about the production of quality coffee. Certified high quality coffee provides the farmer with broader marketing opportunities and, even more importantly, with access to higher prices at sale.
Isidro wants to make some repairs to the solar dryer he uses to dry his coffee. To make the repairs he is requesting a loan for the purchase of necessary materials such as: nylon, screens, and nails.
The loan will help Isidro to maintain the quality of his coffee and to sell his crop at the best prices and in wider markets. In this way his family will have more opportunities.
Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Pamela Allyn. View original language description.