A loan helped to buy seeds and expand her horticulture farm.

Jane's story

Jane is 46 years old. She makes a living practicing mixed farming. She is a fighter and a dreamer who aspires to, and works for, a better life.

The living conditions in her village are tough. There is neither clean water from the local authority, nor electrical connections, but Jane has managed to pull through.

For ten years, Jane’s primary sources of income have been planting rice, vegetables, milk, eggs, and horticultural produce. She also has a side business.

Jane’s biggest challenges are disease and a shortage of farm inputs. Farmers in the area lack capital to purchase farm inputs such as chemicals, to prevent these diseases.

Jane made the decision to join Juhudi Kilimo, in order to access loans that would help her improve her farming activities.

The additional income from the expansion will go to the education of Jane's two children. With your support, Jane’s children will acquire a quality education that will act as a strong foundation for a bright future.

This 2016, be inspired and support a Kenyan woman, a smallholder farmer!

This loan is special because:

It finances dairy cows and agricultural equipment to grow small farms.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details