A loan helped to buy organic fertilizer and potato seeds in order to be able to expand her production and to generate better earnings for her family.

Francisca's story

Francisca lives in a common-law marriage in a rural area. They are a young couple with six children. She managed to go to school through elementary school. Her rustic house is made of adobe with a Spanish tile roof, but it lacks a few basic services. She is a hard-working person. With great optimism she works with her husband day to day in order to get earnings to support themselves.

She devotes herself primarily to agriculture. She has been engaged in this business activity for approximately 17 years. She sells what she produces. What she gets she takes to sell at provincial fairs in the region and to neighboring villages.

The main products that she grows in greater quantity are potatoes, beans, oats, and barley. She grows others in smaller quantities, generally for their own consumption.

Francisca sees the need to request the loan to buy organic fertilizer (hen droppings) and potato seeds. This way she will be able to expand her production, continue with her sales, and get earnings to improve her quality of life.

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Ginny Kalish.

This loan is special because:

It aims to grow small farms and businesses in the Bolivian highlands.

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