A loan helped a member to buy fertilizer and seeds in order to grow her crops successfully.

Nib's Group's story

A resident of Ponhea Krek District in Tbaung Khmum Province, Nib is 34 years old. She is a married mother who has three children. One of her children is too young for schooling and the others are in school.

Nib is an industrious farmer who has been planting rice, cassava and rubber as the main source of her income for 15 years. She can manage to save 7.50 USD each day for emergency needs. Lack of capital to support her businesses is the main challenge for her.

Nib has had four loan cycles with VisionFund. Those past loans have helped to transform her family’s situation for the better. With this gradually improving situation, she decided to lead a group of three members to apply for a new loan. For Nib, she will use her loan portion to buy fertilizer and seeds in order to grow her crops successfully.

She feels confident that this new loan will help to improve her standard of living even better than before.

In this group: Nib, Mom, Vanheun

This loan is special because:

It supports the social and economic well-being of low-income families.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

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