A loan helped to buy a dairy cow.

Olivia's story

Olivia is a 42-year-old humble and hardworking woman from Lyantonde, Uganda. Her family includes her husband and four children. She gives her first priority to providing a good education to her children because she is illiterate and can only sign her name.

As a housewife, Olivia performs animal husbandry and her husband is engaged in a milk selling business.

The prices of essential commodities are increasing by leaps and bounds, and to provide financial sustenance for her family’s well being, Olivia, along with her husband, supplies cow milk to their neighbors and the dairy. For additional income she also sells cow dung, which is used as manure in agricultural land. She thinks that this business is lucrative and a strong financial support to the family because there is a huge demand for cow milk and cow dung in her local area.

Olivia has decided to purchase a dairy cow for their existing milk selling business. For this reason she is seeking a loan from UGAFODE (Kiva’s field partner). This loan will give a boost to her family earnings and enable her to lead a decent life with her family. With the increased income, in the future, she dreams of building a permanent house for her family’s well being.

This loan is special because:

It targets rural populations.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

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