A loan helped to import and stock clean energy products such as solar lights or improved cookstoves.

Palmis Eneji S.a's story

PALMIS Enèji received its first loan from Kiva via Entrepreneurs du Monde in May 2015. After a period of economic slowdown due to political unrest in the second half of 2015, the social business enjoyed significant growth during the first quarter of 2016. February and March of this year were the most productive months since the launch of the company in 2013. As a result, PALMIS Enèji's outreach grew to an estimated 20,500 households in May 2016 compared to 12,000 a year and a half ago. The company is expected to disseminate 10,000 new energy equipments during the course of 2016 and is therefore requesting a new loan of 25,000 USD which will be used to import and stock clean energy products to meet customer demand. Stéphanie, on the picture, is the oldest member of Palmis Enèji's promotion team and has been with the company since its very first days.

This loan is special because:

It promotes access to clean energy products for an entire community.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details