A loan helped to buy mineral fertilizers and pay for rental workers.

Jangil's story

Jangil was born in 1965 in a farming family and is a widow with three children. She lives in the Rumi region. Her children need support and his income was not enough to feed the family. So she starts farming in order to feed her family from her income. Her children help her in the field.

She is working hard sowing cotton, wheat, and potatoes from which she gets a good income. She has sown 2 hectare of onion and a 4 hectare of cotton and hopes to have a good harvest.

On her farm she has thirteen rental employees working. She hopes buying and using mineral fertilizer will yield a good harvest. She wants a loan to buy mineral fertilizers and pay for rental workers. For this, she is asking for a loan of 6,000 TJS.

This loan is special because:

It supports the well being of women and their families.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details