A loan helped to purchase wool.

Jonatan's story

Jonatan is 20 years old, he is single and lives at home with his parents. He is very interested and involved, and he wants so much to forge a good future for himself. He is an artesan, having learned knitting as a small child from his father. He is very happy carrying out his work and it has brought him very many benefits, in addition to being able to cover his expenses. Jonatan enjoys sitting at his knitting machine, lovingly setting the spools of wool to create his diverse items of clothing. He has been working at his business for the past 7 years and he hopes that it will grow and later have more knitting machines to increase production. He says the most difficult part of his work is to have to knit an entire day without rest, something he is forced to do so that his production and earnings will not suffer. Jonatan knows his work is very difficult but he is ready to work hard to improve his life. This is his third loan with MFP (Kiva Field Partner) and he is very grateful for the opportunity. He plans to invest it the funds. The community bank to which he belongs has high regards for him, always being very respectful and responsible. With the two thousand five hundred neuvos soles he is requesting, he will purchase more wool to increase the quantities of items he creates.

Translated from Spanish.

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