A loan helped for purchasing furniture for students and to replace the broken furniture with new.

Hajra's story

Hajra is a 34 year old married woman who established a school in a small community 13 years ago, with the help of her husband who has always been supportive. Today there are 310 students enrolled in the school and 59% of them are female. The aim of the school is to provide all students a flexible curriculum which gives them a pathway to suit the ambitions of each student. Therefore students are given an option to select the subjects according to their interests when they enter grade 9.

Wide experience in the field of education has facilitated Hajra to make her school renowned as good quality school. More students would get enrolled after summer break and therefore she has requested an amount of Rs.200, 000 for purchasing furniture for these students and to replace the broken furniture with new.

This loan is special because:

It helps low-income schools provide quality education in Pakistan's urban slums.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details