A loan helped tp buy clothing, shoes and perfumes.

María Victoria's story

María is a young mother, age 32, who decided to leave her job in a private company to dedicate herself to raising her two beautiful children, who are 13 and 2 years old. She made this decision because passing on values and good habits to her children is very important to her. She also believes that this responsibility cannot be delegated. She lives with her family in a humble neighborhood of Cartagena de Indias, and she dreamed of starting her own business. She decided to start a business in her home and increase her household income in order to offer her family a better quality of life.

Starting in April 2015, she joined a company that sells items by catalog. She offers these products through specialized catalogs, and her main customers are neighbors, friends and people referred to her in the area where she lives. She is currently applying for her first Kiva loan through the Mario Santo Domingo Foundation to buy clothing, shoes and perfumes. Support this woman who dreams of growing her business to provide a university education to her children -- do it now!

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer anonymized.

This loan is special because:

It provides borrowers in micro businesses with affordable loans.

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