A loan helped a member to invest in inventory for her clothing business.

Con Cristo Se Puede: Group 5's story

Alicia lives in a small, isolated community in the Dominican Republic known as a batey. A batey is typically composed of Haitian workers and their families, who have immigrated to the DR in order to work in the sugarcane fields. Despite the difficult living situation and general lack of access to the outside world, Alicia and her other group members have started small businesses with Esperanza loans in order to augment their household incomes and to help provide for their families.

Alicia is a single mother who took her first loan with Esperanza last year. She uses her loans to purchase clothing at a volume discount that she can then sell. Her business has done well thus far, and it is the main source of income to cover her household's needs. Alicia has taken on a leadership role as the coordinator of her group of five. She dreams of completing her studies and attending college one day.

Thank you for your consideration of Alicia and her group, Con Cristo Se Puede (With Christ, We Can)!

In this group: Yesila, Altagracia, Nadina, Alicia, Milurde

This loan is special because:

It includes access to healthcare services and business and vocational training.

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Lenders and lending teams

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