A loan helped to supply construction materials for a vocational training program.

Alexis's story

African Entrepreneur Collective has been working with Alexis for almost 2 years. He is AEC's most organized and communicative client, and has been working hard to make a name for his business in Rwanda's construction industry.

Alexis works very hard at his company. Two years ago, AEC gave Alexis a loan to supply construction materials as part of a large, government funded project. After delivering his first installment made with this loan, he had enough money to provide a second installment of cement for this project. Unfortunately, due to procurement issues, the work of other contractors on this project, and payment delays, Alexis has not been paid for the subsequent work completed and his business is struggling. Payment delays are quite common, and often it's the small business owner that is hurt most. Alexis's situation is too common, but Alexis's strength and perseverance is what makes him truly stand out.

After several months of non-payment, Alexis sued the contractor. Given that Alexis is incredibly organized and keeps meticulous records, he easily won his recent court case demonstrating that he had not been paid for services delivered.

To keep his business afloat while he waits for the court-ordered repayment, Alexis needs a loan of 25,000 USD for operating capital. Alexis has high hopes that with this loan his business will be back on track within the year, and is incredibly thankful for Kiva's previous support and for your consideration.

Note: Alexis is pictured outside of his workshop and with AEC Co-Founder and COO Sara Leedom

This loan is special because:

It offers a full package of support for Rwanda's promising entrepreneurs.

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