A loan helped to buy seeds, fertilizer and palendras.

Maria Corina's story

María is 30 years old. She lives with her family. She has two children, Cristian, aged 7, and Gabriela, aged 12. They go to an area school. Her husband helps her pay for the household expenses. She decided to start her business since there was no work and the household needs were growing every day. For 11 years, she has grown naranjilla, and papaya. By working independently, she has been able to be with her family. María wants to continue with her work activity. She needs to buy seeds, fertilizer and hoes. With the availability of these tools, she will improve the yields on her crops. In the future, she wants her children to graduate from college, to buy more land, and invest in a dairy cow to help pay for this humble family's expenses.

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Ellen Donohue.

This loan is special because:

It aims to reach vulnerable refugee populations in an isolated region.

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