A loan helped .

Rune's story

In 2009 while traveling around South America, I read a book by Timothy Ferriss calledThe 4-hour Work Week. That book inspired me to one day start my own business, but at the time I wasn’t sure yet what I wanted that business to be.

I’ve had many different work experiences in both the US and Denmark where I’m from. In Copenhagen I worked for an independent think tank where I launched a climate and sustainability network.

Later, a friend of mine launched his dream company called Freemarket, later testr, and I joined him as Chief Development Officer. Testr is an online platform allowing consumers to try products at a significant discount and give companies valuable feedback.

The project flourished and showed great potential, but I wanted to work on something that resonated more closely with my own beliefs and interest in sustainability, not just consumption. At Testr I became fascinated by the idea of influencing consumer behavior, but wondered about how it could be used to make it easier and cheaper for consumers to prioritize products that were good for both them and the planet.

Having grown up in Denmark, but also lived, worked and studied in the US I have seen the enormous difference in food quality and regulation. High prices forces more than 50% of the US population to buy undesirable products that don’t match their values. That’s why I decided to start my company helping US consumers buy healthier, sustainable products here.

This loan is special because:

This loan will help Rune grow his business

Loan details

About TrySome Inc.

Industry: Services
Years in operation: New Business
Website: gotrysome.com


Lenders and lending teams

Loan details