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Chayanid's story

I grew up in the providence of Nakornsawan, Thailand in a small village. It is a rural area village surrounded by rice patties. I come from a long lineage of rice farmers. I lived with my mom and my grandma. My mom worked two jobs so I spent a lot of time in the fields with my grandma tending to the rice patty. If there was not enough money in the rice harvest, I would go fishing in the river and sell fish to the other villagers or at the village market. I would also prepare fried rats to sell at the market and once I had the idea of selling my mom’s second hand clothes to make money. I have good memories of spending time in the markets in Thailand. At the time I didn’t realize it, but I was learning a lot about business by watching my grandma manage the rice harvest. The biggest lesson I’ve learned is how to adapt your plans when things don’t sell as planned. My upbringing was the starting point for my future as an entrepreneur.

I first came to the United States in 2004 to work as an au pair in California. It was a hard transition at first to move to the US and there were a lot of adjustments that I had to make. Those challenges made me stronger as a person. After traveling to Canada and other parts of the United States, I chose Portland, OR to live. Now I feel like Portland is my home. I love the culture of Portland and how socially and environmentally conscience people are.

I love working on my food business in Portland, OR. My goal is to be a full-time owner and operator of my business. I hope to be able to create jobs for other Oregonians and to share my success with other food businesses start-ups by offering support and advice.

Loan details

About Cafe de Crepe

Industry: Food
Years in operation: New Business
Website: cafedecrepe.com

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details