A loan helped .

Kaisa's story

Mother Teresa was once quoted as saying, “Not all of us can do great things. But we can do small things with great love.” For most of my life, I dreamed of doing great things. Secretary of State, Supreme Court Justice, CEO of a large non-profit, famous actress…. my ambitions were limitless. In college, however, I realized that I was striving for success and fame, not long term fulfillment. I reevaluated my priorities and dreams and concluded that I was meant for a service-oriented career.

After college, I had the privilege of interning with a human rights organization in India. My Indian coworkers partnered with local law enforcement and social service agencies to help rescue and rehabilitate survivors of human trafficking. I was inspired by their selfless dedication and undying commitment to seeking justice. Humbled, I returned to Oregon determined to emulate them.

Upon my return, I had an epiphany. What if I opened up a coffee shop with a cause? I had always loved coffee and the experiences that surrounded it. What if I opened a shop that would serve amazing coffee and help to empower the local and international community? What if I used the shop to raise awareness about different causes and allocated a percentage of my profit to those causes? At the time, I didn’t have the experience or funds necessary to fulfill my dream, but I was determined to make it happen.

For the past three years, I’ve worked in the coffee industry and small business management. I’ve managed a team of employees, gained knowledge about the coffee industry, and learned the ins and outs of small business management from my job as an office manager. Additionally, I’ve been able to save capital to invest into this venture.

I’m partnering with my friend and coworker Ben Reese to start Lionheart Coffee Company. Having over 10 years of experience in the coffee industry, he also has a similar passion for coffee with a cause. Together, we’ve spent the last nine months working on our business plan and refining our financials so that we’re prepared to open our doors this winter. Furthermore, we’ve received small business mentorship from other successful entrepreneurs in the coffee and restaurant industry. With just a bit more capital, we’ll be ready to make Lionheart a reality and to share love through the small things, like

Loan details

About Lionheart Coffee Company

Industry: Services
Years in operation: New Business
Website: lionheartcoffee.com


Lenders and lending teams

Loan details