A loan helped .

Chase's story

Hello Kiva Zip community. My name is Chase Mekaelian. I was born and raised in San Diego, CA. I have 3 younger brothers, and two very loving parents. My brothers and I grew up in an solid home, and never experienced needs that went unsatisfied --- we were truly blessed.

I spent my teenage years ungrateful for these blessings, and selfishly pursuing personal pleasure. It was not until I moved to South America for a year when my eyes were opened to the world outside of myself. I was 19 at the time. The opportunity to study overseas presented itself through my church, and my parents encouraged me to take a leap of faith. That year changed my life, and was the beginning of my call to start using my talents for betterment of the world.

Since then, that fire has only burned brighter. I have patiently grown in maturity and decision making ability, and developed the confidence to trust my instincts while humbly leading others to fulfill their potential and achieve their goals. My personal goal is to serve the world by creating opportunity for individuals to support themselves and their families. I desire to empower people to live their lives with integrity, and to think of others as highly as themselves.

Loan details

About Bottle Gardens

Industry: Manufacturing
Years in operation: New Business
Website: bottle-gardens.com


Lenders and lending teams

Loan details