A loan helped .

Alan's story

Our names are Alan Haight and Josephine McProud. We are the husband and wife farming partners of Riverhill Farm. Our path to becoming farmers was neither short nor linear. We both pursued other careers before farming: Alan as a paralegal and landscape contractor, Jo as a landscape architect. While these backgrounds gave us valuable tools and skills to use in farm life, we were both drawn to the values and lifestyle inherent in farming. Alan learned to farm as a teenager and had long hoped to return to the land for his livelihood. With the purchase of Riverhill Farm in 2001 his dreams were realized.

Our days as farmers are long and sometimes difficult, but we are encouraged by the support of our customers and gratified in the knowledge that we are doing honest, important work. At the end of each day we can rest assured that we have helped to nourish our community and care for our land.

This short video will introduce you to us and our farm:

Although the location of Riverhill Farm was an historic farm, it had not been farmed since the early 1960's, and there was no surviving infrastructure (deer fencing, irrigation, outbuildings, etc.) that could be used to establish Riverhill Farm. We have invested all of our resources in building the basic infrastructure of the farm and meeting the annual direct costs of production. We have had the pleasure of watching our vision come to life. Now we are faced with the need to find funding to make further investments to insure that we can continue our work in ways that will be more efficient and sustainable.

Loan details

About Riverhill Farm

Industry: Agriculture
Years in operation: New Business
Website: riverhillfarm.com


Lenders and lending teams

Loan details