A loan helped a member to buy more raw chicken.

Formando Un Futuro Group's story

Five women who are responsible for different commercial activities are members of the Formando un Futuro (Forming a Future) communal group. One of them is Elba, who is 44 years old and single with three children. Elba has worked for 11 years selling raw chicken in a locale located within her house. She works every day.

Elba states that through her business she is generating economic income to cover her household expenses. With the loan she will invest in buying more raw chicken to continue selling, in order to generate more income.

Elba is second from the right. She is wearing a white shirt with a silver heart on it. She and the group send a hug to Kiva, saying they will meet their proposed goals.

In this group: Hilaria Elsa, Herlinda Luz, Yolanda Aurelia, Elba, Lida Silvia

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Laurie Hiller.

This loan is special because:

It reaches low-income borrowers through its group lending methodology.

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