Jolie is a trader and treasurer of the 'Banc Villageoise' Tuliya. This group works with the field partner, Hekima. Jolie is thirty years old, married and mother to six children who all attend school. She earns a living selling food products from her home.
Jolie will use her loan to buy fifty kilos of maize flour and two sacks of charcoal to reinforce her business. She began this business with capital provided by her brother-in-law seven years ago.
In the future, she would like to buy a plot of land, feed and educate her children. Jolie is grateful to Hekima for the support they offer to non-bankable entrepreneurs.
In this group: Jolie, Lucie, Antoinette, Aline, Noella, Martha, Mwamini, Bindu, Mamy, Jean Claude, Carine, Marceline, Brigite, Josiana, Deodate, Machozi, Riziki, Josepfine, Denise, Claudine, Colette, Josephine, Timothee
Translated from French by Kiva volunteer Sarah Ryder. View original language description.