A loan helped to buy seeds and fertilizers.

Mishri's story

Mishri is 46 years old. She is married and has two sons. Many years ago, she established her vegetable farming and cattle raising business. Working seven days a week and four hours a day, she supports her family. She has already received and successfully repaid eight loans from Patan BPW, and she used her most recent to buy seeds and fertilizers.

In the future, she plans to uplift the economic condition of her family. She thanks you for your support. Over 70% of Nepal's economy is agricultural. Typically, Nepali households grow crops on small plots of terraced land. Rice (bhat), lentils (daal), and vegetables (tarkari) are the staples of the Nepali diet, and farmers can also sell cow milk.

With a Kiva loan, BPW's borrowers are able to purchase greater amounts of seeds and fertilizer. With more seeds and fertilizer, a borrower is able to grow cash crops to be sold in the local market. Such crops allow households to move beyond subsistence and provide much-needed cash income throughout the year.

This loan is special because:

It provides business and financial training to female small business owners.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

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