A loan helped a member to buy two air conditioners to install in a preschool.

Las Costanera Group's story

Dolly is a 31-year-old woman. She lives with her partner and has a 3-year-old child. Her business is selling air conditioners.

She is there for others at all times, when there is bad news and also in times of joy, always showing a smile even if she is suffering inside. She operates her business in the southern zone of the city, an area where all kinds of manufacturing activities are concentrated.

Dolly has eyes that light up like two bright stars, long jet-black hair, and hands like rare, shining velvet. (In the photo she is in the middle, dressed in a white shirt and a beige jacket). Her ethnic heritage is Guaraní, and her mother taught her the language, which is like a love song. She speaks Spanish in her daily life. She enjoys life at the side of her partner, who works as a transport driver, and with her son, who is not yet of school age. They live in rented quarters built of brick, which have water, electricity and sewer connections. The family enjoys attending Christian meetings, where they study the Bible and contribute to improving society.

Dolly's desire to improve her business in order to make it more well-established inspired her to lead her communal bank. The members' businesses are: used clothing sales, traditional food sales, natural health products sales, laundry service, natural beverage sales, and a bakery. Her business is selling air conditioners; she goes to offices and commercial spaces and offers products that will improve the environment in their rooms. The city is hot throughout the year, and it is noted for not having a significant winter.

She got her start in this field as a sales representative for a company. When her child was born, she had to give up her job, but later with the help of a small loan, she started an independent business. In this way she can take care of her son and have enough time to work. "I need to buy air conditioners to provide service to a public school," she comments. Currently, a preschool is interested in her service and has placed an order for two small classrooms. Her business is successful because her service is in demand. The advantage of her business is that the demand continues all year. The disadvantage is the lack of merchandise to fulfill the demand. Her dream is to improve the schools of the area. She wants to buy two air conditioners. This is the second loan sequence with the institution in the three years that she has been doing this work.

For these reasons, Dolly is requesting a loan to buy two air conditioners to install in a preschool.

In this group: Cristina, Marisol, Graciela, Lizzeth Angeli, Adela, Luis Alberto, Dolly, Hugo

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer anonymized.

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It expands access to credit.

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