A loan helped a member buy natural medicines to sell.

Laguna Kapi.i Group's story

Twenty-one women in the city of Ita are part of this group called Laguna Kapi.i. With the goal of improving their families’ living conditions, these women came together and help each other. They are part of the poverty elimination program as a way to get ahead.

Laura is one of the members of this group. She is a humble and selfless woman who helps her family as she can with the money she earns selling natural medicines. She sells her products as a traveling saleswoman and shares that she has always had a good clientele. She is proud of what she does because although it is humble, her work is dignified.

She is asking for a loan to buy natural medicines to sell and as such, be able to continue her business to help her family.

In this group: Liz, Francisca, Karen, María, Laura, Ramona, Apolonia, Laura, Hilaria, Carmen, Marta, Fidela, Laura, Luisa, María, Pablina, Librada, Mirian, Praxede, María, Verónica

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer anonymized.

This loan is special because:

It is accompanied by an industry-leading, poverty-elimination program.

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