A loan helped a member to buy more clothes to sell.

Tukole Kakindo Village Bank Group's story

Christine, a member of Tukole Kakindo Village Bank, is a hardworking married lady who lives in Hoima, Uganda. She ventured into selling of clothes after seeing most of her friends making a lot of money from this very business.

She now has seven years of experience, and she has used the profits to diversify into farming, mostly growing beans and maize. Her dream is to own a modern boutique so as to meet the growing demands of the customers, although stiff competition and high rental fees are the problems that she faces in her operations.

She is requesting a loan facility to buy more clothes to sell.

In this group: Emmanuel, Christine, Stella., Slyvia, Jane, Leonard, Emmanuel, Catherine, Rosee

This loan is special because:

It targets extremely rural populations.

Loan details

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